2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'monticello visit'|Lorre White "The Luxury Guru" says Glass House Winery On The Monticello Wine Trail is wonderfully quirky place and a must visit for wine enthusiasts.

About 'monticello visit'|Lorre White "The Luxury Guru" says Glass House Winery On The Monticello Wine Trail is wonderfully quirky place and a must visit for wine enthusiasts.

Looking               for               reasons               why               you               should               visit               Albemarle               County,               Virginia?

You               won't               have               to               look               far.

As               soon               as               you               get               to               Charlottesville,               the               heart               of               Albemarle               County,               stop               by               one               of               the               visitor               centers               and               be               prepared               to               learn               lots               about               why               you               should               visit               Albemarle               County,               Virginia.

Of               course               the               chance               to               see               beautiful               land               inhabited               by               wonderfully               welcoming               Virginians               could               be               enough               reason               why               you               should               visit               Albemarle               County,Virginia.

But               guide               books,               street               signs               and               most               residents               can               help               to               direct               you               to               some               of               the               many               sites               that               will               become               some               of               your               own               reasons               why               you               should               visit               Albemarle               County,               Virginia               over               and               over               again.

Monticello               Of               curse               the               main               reason               that               many               people               visit               Albemarle               County,               Virginia               ,               many               of               them               without               knowing               that               they               are               even               in               Albemarle               County,               is               to               visit               Monticello,               the               historic               home               of               Thomas               Jefferson.

Most               school               children               can               tell               you               that               Jefferson               was               the               author               of               the               Declaration               of               Independence               and               our               third               president               ,               but               visiting               Monticello               helps               visitors               to               get               beyond               the               icon               and               to               learn               more               about               Jefferson,               the               man.

A               tour               of               Monticello               allows               visitors               to               see               the               style               and               elegance               with               which               Jefferson               surrounded               himself.
               Inside               Monticello               one               can               view               the               inventions               and               intellectual               pursuits               which               give               a               window               to               Jefferson's               hyperactive               mind.

The               grounds               around               Monticello               give               witness               to               one               of               Jefferson's               greatest               loves,               his               plantation.

A               major               contradiction               in               the               life               of               this               author               of               American               liberty               is               the               existence               at               Monticello               of               slave               quarters               for               the               many               black               men,               women               and               children               bound               to               Jefferson               and               his               beloved               plantation.

Monticello               stirs               historic               memories               and               our               own               curiosity               about               Thomas               Jefferson,               a               perfect               reason               why               you               should               visit               Albemarle               County.
               Montpelier               It               certainly               is               not               true               that               if               you               have               seen               one               presidential               home               you've               seen               them               all.

Montpelier,               restored               home               of               James               and               Dolly               Madison,               though               sharing               the               same               county               as               Monticello,               has               its               own               distinctive               look               and               feel.

Madison,               our               fourth               president,               is               also               known               for               his               central               role               in               producing               the               United               States               Constitution               and               the               Bill               of               Rights               by               which               we               govern               ourselves               as               a               nation               today.

As               interesting               as               the               home               may               be,               many               folks               know               why               they               should               tell               others               to               visit               Albemarle               County               when               given               the               opportunity               to               visit               the               exterior               grounds               of               this               2,700               acre               estate.

The               gardens               are               delightful,               but               grabbing               its               share               of               your               attention               is               a               200               acre               woodland               of               historic               old               growth               trees.

For               those               who               like               to               enjoy               the               great               outdoors,               Montpelier               offers               extended               trails               for               the               casual               and               serious               walker.
               Ash               Lawn-Highland               Completing               the               triumvirate               of               19th               century               presidential               homes               is               Ash               Lawn               -Highland.

The               author               of               the               Monroe               Doctrine               which               established               American               hegemony               in               the               Western               Hemisphere,               James               Monroe               and               his               wife               Elizabeth               reined               supreme               over               their               own               535               acre               plantation.

Today               tours               allow               visitors               an               opportunity               to               view               the               interior               of               the               restored               home               which               houses               some               original               Monroe               furnishings               and               memorabilia.

You               cannot               turn               back               the               clock,               but               by               visiting               Monticello,               Montpelier               and               Ash               Lawn-Highland               one               gains               a               better               understanding               of               our               third,               fourth               and               fifth               presidents               and               the               elegant               but               slave               supported               world               in               which               they               lived.

Not               a               bad               reason               why               you               should               visit               Albemarle               County,               VA.,               but               there               is               more.
               Pine               Knot               The               cabin               called               Pine               Knot               was               neither               a               major               presidential               residence               nor               an               elaborate               plantation.

Purchased               by               Edith               Roosevelt               in               the               early               twentieth               century,               Pine               Know               was               used               by               President               Teddy               Roosevelt,               Edith               and               their               family               as               their               private               retreat               and               getaway               from               the               pressures               and               the               hustle               and               bustle               of               Washington,               D.


Little               has               been               done               to               change               this               woodsy               escape.

The               house               remains               still               without               modern               utilities               but               presenting               the               same               easy               access               to               the               woods               for               hiking,               birding               and               observing               wildlife               that               TR               so               enjoyed.

Edith               picked               the               cabin               well               for               it               was               immersed               in               the               kind               of               natural               surroundings               from               which               President               Theodore               Roosevelt               seemed               to               draw               energy               and               inspiration.
               University               of               Virginia               Rotunda               Rounding               out               the               historic               aspects               of               Albemarle               County,               and               a               major               reason               why               people               should               visit               Albemarle               County               and               return,               is               the               University               of               Virginia               and               its               Rotunda.

Thomas               Jefferson               included               the               designing               of               the               University               of               Virginia               among               the               personal               achievements               of               which               he               was               most               proud.

The               Rotunda               remains               as               a               majestic               reminder               of               the               grandeur               of               his               dreams               for               an               educated               citizenry.

Exterior               tours               of               the               building               and               grounds               are               offered               during               the               school               year               and               tours               of               the               Rotunda               interior               are               given               throughout               the               summer               months.

As               you               walk               about,               remember               that               during               the               earliest               days               of               the               construction,               Thomas               Jefferson               was               very               much               an               interested               observer               as               well.

History               buffs               who               visit               here               won't               have               to               ask               why               they               should               visit               Albemarle               County,               VA.
               Vineyards               and               Orchards               Not               all               of               the               reasons               why               you               should               visit               Albemarle               County,               VA               are               found               in               its               history.

For               connoisseurs               and               simple               wine               lovers               Albemarle               County,               VA               has               much               to               offer.

The               wineries               ,               confident               of               their               product,               offer               complimentary               tours               of               their               vineyard               and               delightful               tasting,               with               the               belief               that               many               who               taste               will               stay               and               buy.

You               can               plan               to               make               a               day               of               it               by               bringing               along               a               lunch               basket               and               making               use               of               the               picnic               tables               provided               at               many               vineyards.
               If               your               preference               runs               toward               apples               and               peaches               instead               of               grapes               you               are               still               in               the               right               county.

Albemarle               has               several               sprawling               orchards               where               assorted               varieties               of               apples               and               peaches               are               grown.

Come               in               season               and               you               can               join               in               the               feel               of               harvest               time               by               picking               (               and               paying               for               )               your               own               very               fresh               fruit.

It's               a               great               family               event               and               a               good               reason               why               you               should               visit               Albemarle               County,               VA.
               Shenandoah               National               Park               Lying               on               the               border               of               Albemarle               County,               VA               is               Shenandoah               National               Park.

You               can               spend               days               or               weeks               enjoying               the               hiking               and               riding               opportunities               there               .

But               if               your               time               is               limited               you               can               get               a               take               your               breath               away               view               of               the               area               by               spending               a               few               hours               riding               by               car               along               Shenandoah's               own               Skyline               Drive.

Driving               atop               the               mountains               crest               at               a               regulated               35               miles               per               hour               and               stopping               at               some               of               the               many               overlooks               will               provide               you               with               all               the               reasons               you               will               ever               need               for               why               you               should               visit               Albemarle               County,               VA.
               Ballooning               If               Skyline               Drive               doesn't               get               you               up               quite               high               enough               and               if               you               love               adventure,               you               may               want               to               try               ballooning               in               Albemarle               county,               VA               .

There               is               so               much               beauty               to               be               seen               in               Albemarle               County,               VA               that               perhaps               it               is               worth               seeing               from               above.

Several               companies               offer               balloon               trips               with               experienced               balloonists               and               you               can               pick               and               choose               according               to               your               personal               taste               and               availability.

No               matter               which               balloon               you               are               in               you               will               enjoy               the               same               magnificent               and               history               laden               view.
               You               can               take               the               balloon               ride               when               you               first               arrive               in               Albebarle               County               to               give               you               a               sense               of               where               you               are,               or               you               can               use               the               balloon               trip               as               a               wonderful               finale               to               time               spent               in               Albemarle               County,               VA.

Either               way,               when               you               come               down               to               earth               again               you               surely               will               know               why               you               should               visit               Albemarle               County,               VA               again               someday               soon.

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