2013년 11월 24일 일요일

About 'monticello track'|... us landing in Lock Haven (LHV), Pennsylvania, White Lake, New York or Monticello (MSV) Sullivan County International, Bennington (DDH), Vermont, Concord (CON), New Hampshire, and our...

About 'monticello track'|... us landing in Lock Haven (LHV), Pennsylvania, White Lake, New York or Monticello (MSV) Sullivan County International, Bennington (DDH), Vermont, Concord (CON), New Hampshire, and our...

               Just               as               there               are               many               ways               to               track               time               through               the               calendar               year,               there               can               be               various               methods               for               charting               the               lands               of               this               remarkable               continent.
               A               notable               effort               to               reconceive               "America"               on               the               basis               of               culinary               geography               is               documented               in               the               recent               book               Renewing               America's               Food               Traditions.

Edited               by               ethnobotanist               Gary               Paul               Nabhan,               this               lavishly               illustrated               volume               grew               from               the               timely               collaboration               of               seven               major               organizations               committed               to               "saving               and               savoring               the               continent's               most               endangered               foods."
               Nabhan               and               his               colleagues               have               mapped               North               America-including               Northwest               Mexico               and               most               of               Canada-by               identifying               thirteen               regional               "food               nations"               distinguished               by               place-based               foodways.

Each               food               nation               is               named               for               an               iconic               dish,               and               anyone               familiar               with               Mvskoke               tastes               will               be               gratified               to               learn               that               Mvskoke               country,               both               before               and               after               Removal,               is               encompassed               by               "Cornbread               Nation."               Back               east,               this               region               borders               "Chestnut               Nation"               and               "Gumbo               Nation"               in               the               Mvskoke               homeland;               out               west,               this               agricultural               complex               shares               a               boundary               with               "Bison               Nation"               running               across               the               Muscogee               (Creek)               Nation.
               The               RAFT               collaborative               has               inventoried               more               than               a               thousand               heirloom               varieties               and               heritage               breeds               that               are               currently               threatened,               endangered,               or               functionally               extinct.

Nearly               a               hundred               are               profiled               in               the               book,               at               least               half               of               which               were-or               still               are-indigenous               staples.

The               ten               plants               and               animals               detailed               in               a               chapter               on               Cornbread               Nation               are               as               colorfully               named               as               they               are               appetizing:               Yellow               Hickory               King               Dent               corn,               Mulefoot               hog,               Southern               Queen               yam,               Early               Golden               persimmon.
               But               the               most               intriguing               story               here,               from               a               Mvskoke               perspective,               is               surely               the               so-called               Chickasaw               plum.
               Early               colonists               coveted               the               different               "wild               Plums               of               America,"               the               trees               as               well               as               their               fruits,               which               was               "considered               to               be               of               extraordinary               excellence               in               flavor."               The               name               was               coined               in               1773               by               botanist               William               Bartram,               who               mistakenly               believed               this               particular               species               had               been               brought               to               Mvskoke               country               "from               the               S.


beyond               the               Missisippi,               by               the               Chicasaws."               This               identification               was               codified               in               1785               when               the               plum               was               assigned               a               scientific               name:               "Prunus               angustifolia,               Chickasaw               Plumb."
               George               Washington               planted               three               long               rows               of               P.

angustifolia               behind               the               garden               at               Mount               Vernon.

Thomas               Jefferson               established               the               species               at               eight               different               locations               on               his               estate,               and               "of               all               the               tree               fruits               grown               at               Monticello               today,               the               Chickasaw               plum               is               the               healthiest               and               most               vigorous               with               its               clean,               shiny,               pest-free               foliage               and               abundant               fruit               production."
               The               plot               thickened               during               the               Creek               War,               nearly               two               centuries               ago,               when               frontier               militia               and               their               Cherokee               allies               massacred               residents               of               the               Hillabee               villages               near               the               Tallapoosa               River               on               November               18,               1813.

Having               also               chanced               upon               a               patch               of               fruit               trees,               one               settler               returned               home               with               a               supply               of               native               plum               pits,               which               he               cultivated               in               Knox               County,               Tennessee.
               Locals               loved               the               new               plum               and               took               to               calling               it               "General               Jackson"               and               "Old               Hickory,"               commemorating               the               spoils               of               war.

The               looted               fruit               later               made               its               way               to               Illinois,               where               it               was               propagated               under               the               name               "Chickasaw               Chief,"               and               to               Wisconsin,               where               it               came               to               be               known               as               the               "Miner"               plum,               now               the               Chickasaw's               best-known               cultivar.
               Writing               in               1911,               horticulturalist               U.


Hedrick               described               this               species               as               "one               of               the               most               distinct               of               plums"               and               "the               first               of               the               native               plums               to               be               named,"               of               which               there               were               already               more               than               forty               named               cultivars.

"The               fruits               are               good               in               quality,               attractive               in               appearance,               comparatively               curculio-proof               [pest-resistant],"               and               "especially               suited               for               culinary               uses."               But               industrial               agriculture               had               little               use               for               this               native               commodity,               and               over               the               past               century               P.

angustifolia               was               nearly               lost               and               forgotten.
               Recent               discoveries               near               Horseshoe               Bend               on               the               Tallapoosa               River,               however,               have               shed               new               light               on               both               the               plum               and               its               history.
               Most               immigrant               writers               have               assumed               this               indigenous               fruit               to               be               wild.

Yet               Bartram               saw               plenty               of               Chickasaw               plums               during               his               travels               in               Mvskoke               country,               and               he               "never               saw               it               wild               in               the               forests,               but               always               in               old               deserted               Indian               plantations."               Hedrick               also               noted               that               "it               is               usually               found               near               human               habitations               and               on               the               margins               of               fields,"               and               that               "a               careful               study               of               recent               botanical               works               indicates               that               the               species               is               indigenous               to               the               southeastern               United               States."
               Finally,               in               2004,               botanists               working               at               Horseshoe               Bend               National               Military               Park               found               six               cross-compatible               species               of               native               Prunus-including               P.

angustifolia-near               the               site               of               Tohopeka               village.

It               now               seems               clear               that               the               original               specimens               taken               from               Hillabee,               a               few               miles               to               the               west,               had               been               carefully               cultivated               by               Mvskoke               growers.
               Nabhan               and               his               RAFT               colleagues               extol               this               plum               for               its               "primacy               among               the               continent's               great               fruits,"               concluding               that               "perhaps               the               Creek               were               more               accomplished               horticulturalists               than               anyone               has               given               them               credit               for."

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