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레이블이 Monticello Catalog인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 1일 일요일

About 'monticello coupons'|Stay Calm, Kathleen, stay calm

About 'monticello coupons'|Stay Calm, Kathleen, stay calm

Last               month               customers               and               bloggers               went               wild-with               good               reason-about               the               gas               coupons               that               Murphy               USA               gave               out.

$1               off               of               a               purchase               of               $10               or               more               of               gas.

Wow,               great               coupon               huh?

Well,               just               when               you               thought               that               the               e-offers               from               Murphy               USA               couldn't               get               any               better               they               came               along               with               another               bombshell               of               a               coupon.

They               really               outdid               themselves               this               month.

Casey               Petersen               with               Retail               Marketing               said,               "It               can               never               be               said               that               Murphy               USA               does               not               listen               to               its               customers.

They               wanted               more               so               we               gave               them               more."
               This               month               Murphy               USA               doubled               their               customer               coupons.

Instead               of               $1               off               you               now               get               $2               off               your               gas               purchase               of               $10               or               more.
               Emily               Barnett,               a               long               time               Murphy               USA               customer               in               Monticello,               Arkansas               said,               "I               was               amazed               with               this               month's               e-offer.

I               filled               up               this               afternoon               using               my               coupon               and               I               am               hoping               to               get               to               use               it               a               couple               more               times               before               it               runs               out."
               Since               the               announcement               in               the               Murphy               USA               e-offer               this               morning               the               coupon               has               been               retweeted               nonstop.

Over               the               first               few               hours               the               coupon               was               tweeted               on               average               once               a               minute.
               You               might               be               wondering               how               you               can               get               your               hands               on               one               of               these               great               coupons-it               is               simple.

Visit               www.MurphyUSA.com               and               sign               up               for               their               e-offers.

Monthly               coupons               like               this               one               can               be               delivered               directly               to               your               inbox.

By               signing               up               you               will               be               given               the               link               to               this               month's               amazing               coupon.
               While               you               are               on               their               site               check               out               their               option               to               receive               mobile               text               alerts               so               you               can               get               valuable               information               about               gas               prices               and               promotions.

Head               on               over               to               Facebook               so               you               can               become               of               fan               of               them               and               be               among               the               first               to               know               about               new               promotions               and               coupons               they               have               coming               out.

Follow               them               on               Twitter               and               you               can               get               daily               updates               about               sweepstakes,               gas               prices,               and               promotions               that               they               have               going               on.
               Be               sure               and               leave               customer               feedback               on               their               webpage,               Facebook               fan               page,               and               Twitter               account               to               let               them               know               that               you               appreciate               the               coupons               and               that               you               want               them               to               keep               rolling               them               out               monthly.
               The               coupon               is               valid               through               March               16th               so               you               should               hurry               on               over               to               a               Murphy               USA               today               to               fill               up.

Be               sure               and               share               this               money               saving               tip               with               all               of               your               friends.

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